Recently, Hariharan Gajendran, Simbu's manager tweeted “Once #STR returns back to Chennai, he plans to meet important representatives of his fans club members, discuss certain changes and improvements that can be made in the organization. He has big plans for the well-being and betterment of our society.””
After this tweet, the social media has been exploding with speculation about the star jumping into politics and starting a new party soon. When DC contacted Hariharan, he clarified, “This meeting is just to restructure the fan clubs to serve the people. It will work as a tool to resolve people’s needs. Simbu ‘Anna’ will be behind the clubs and guiding the members to do their best for the public welfare.”
“This is nothing new for our STR; he has always been raising voices for the Tamil people. Be it Jallikattu or Cauvery issue, he has been supportive at all times and even fought for Malaysian Tamils during his early career,” adds Hariharan.
The ‘Little Superstar’, also known as STR, is a complete entertainer, and has been acting in cinema since childhood and enjoys a huge fan base. Despite giving unsuccessful films, his fans have always been supportive in his journey through struggles and controversies. Simbu, who had taken a break in between, came back with movies like Chekka Chivantha Vaanam and Vantha Rajavathaan Varuven.
Following this, Simbu travelled abroad for working on weight reduction. He was then heard to be busy with his brother Kuralarasan’s wedding. The latest news is that the actor is on a foreign vacation with his family.
On his return, he will meet with the main executives of his fan club for the first time. It seems that the party will make further decisions after the meeting.
“STR always likes to go the people’s way. If 100 people are working together for a cause, a leader will automatically evolve, is his (STR) belief” says Hariharan.
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