Simbu is currently working with director Venkat Prabhu for 'Maanadu'. The production of the film has been delayed long due to the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown. The back to back delay in the film has raised speculations that the film might be shelved. However, the producer of the film had confirmed that 'Maanadu' will not be shelved, and that they will resume the work soon. Simbu was earlier blamed for not being punctual to film’s set during the shootings which caused problems. However, Simbu is now reportedly keen on making a strong comeback. Recently, the Government granted permission for shootings of films to resume with strict guidelines and restrictions in place. Simbu has reportedly asked the producer to plan for scenes that will not need many artists. He has also given a 30 days call sheet for 'Maanadu', and the shooting of the film is expected to be resumed shortly. Simbu was seen doing regular workouts during the lockdown to maintain his physique.
Source : Times of India ( ETimes )
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